Friday, February 04, 2011

Grey Gardens

Grey GardensAnother fantastic HBO production, Grey Gardens takes a look at the real life story of the aunt and cousin of former First Lady Jackie Kennedy and their astounding eccentricities.

The story spans many decades, beginning when Little Edie is still a teenager and her family still intact.  She’s a free spirited, happy young girl with a mother, Big Edie, who keeps her firmly under her wing.  Unfortunately, Big Edie seems to have a warped view of the world around her, which ends up tearing the family apart and bringing the two women, who will always be tightly linked, spiraling downward.

All the production values (particularly art direction, makeup, and costumes) are incredibly good, but it’s the performances by Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange that ensure an outstanding experience.

This TV Movie is a must see not only for their work but also for the veritably close to reality light is shines on a period of time that remains among the most controversial in American history.

Grade: 8

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